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VästerhejdeAlla vägbeskrivning till alla utflyktsmål utgår från kyrkan.Från hamnen / flygplatsen FöretagFöretag i VästerhejdeSockenlänkarGotlands största portalFornfynd Västerhejde Hembygdsföreningen Kyrkans kontaktuppgifter Västerhejde Bygdegårdsför. Västerhejde Sigrajvs 1:1 Västerhejde Vibble 1:341 AktiviteterAktiviteter kartaAktiviteter databas Dagens evenemang Bra att vetaApotekBankomat Bibliotek Gymnastikhallar Köpcentra Lasarett Polis Rastplatser Samhälle Skola Systembolag Vårdcentraler NyheterRadio GotlandAftonbladet Dagens Nyheter Expressen Svenska Dagbladet Fler guiderAlla andra socknarFöretagsguider Gamla systemet |
Marriages in Gotland![]() Gotland - Swedens favorite wedding spot.
Couples from all over the country come to Gotland to get married. Within roughly 100 square miles on this island you can find a spot that fits your character and tastes. Have your wedding on an island whose perseverance through a 1000 years of ups and downs symbolize the spirit you would bring to your journey together. Even foreigners like the many unique settings the island offers to exchange vows. You can choose from a wide variety of setting here on the island. ![]() This is probably the only place you’ll see a Hawaiian wedding dance done in a medieval Baltic island church. But they do call Gotland the Hawaii of the Baltic so maybe it’s appropriate after all. Here is an American/Swedish couple marrying in an old Visby church ruin. ![]() Or in the country... ![]() Or a rocky cliff... ![]() Or a quiet flowered field in the city... ![]() To an ocean side spot with 100’s of swans as an audience. Welcome to Gotland! /text Bernt Enderborg, foto Daniel Behr |
136 415 905 sen 9/2-2010 | Copyright © 2025 Buffert 4, tel 0498-513 56 |