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En fransman på Gotland![]() Så här svarade fransmannen Thierry på Carin Olofssons, Vandra på Gotland, fråga om hur hans vandringar på Gotland varit:
Well, it’s true I did not give to you any feedback of my trip to Fårö and Gotland in September and October 2012, but it’s never too late! ![]() I walked a lot, especially on Fårö which is – that’s a cliché I know, but with its part of reality – a very special place, quite different from Gotland : I was really happy to be there out of the crazy high season, the island for the islanders, a handful of Stockholmers and myself. Alone with my tent in Sudersand camping during one week, the rabbits as neighbours and Östersjön a few meters away, you can imagine… this is engraved in my mind. ![]() There would be so many things to say. ![]() I remember two great walks especially, the first being the one I call “around the dragon’s nose” - when looking at precise maps of Fårö, I see it as the head of a dragon, Langhammarshammaren and Norsholmen being the ears…- this is indeed your Fårö North east walk, a wonderful one, the second being one I planned myself, from Lauter to Marviken and Marpes, walking along the coast via Gamlahamn and Sankt Olovs kyrka at first, then coming back inland east of Marpesträsk. ![]() In front of me in my flat, as a souvenir of this last walk – and I am looking at it when writing to you – a dead branch of juniper with a strange form I found in Marpes naturreservat. ![]() On Gotland itself, this really big island I discovered for the first time in 2008, one of my best walk was on Närsholmen… where I was on the traces of one of my favorite film-makers, Andreï Tarkovski, who shot Offret there in the eighties of last century. ![]() Of course on Fårö too was I on the traces of another film-maker…I have tried to understand there his inner landscapes (which is very pretentious, perhaps even dangerous, but I tried…). ![]() Well Carin, the best is perhaps to have a look at the photos of these walks, I’ll send you soon a link so you can download them. ![]() I wish you the best in your wonderful home place, right in the middle of Östersjön, thinking you are a lucky woman to live there!” ![]() /2013, text and photo Thierry Cléa'ch, publicerat med tillstånd av Carin Olofsson, Vandra på Gotland |