Maskin & Marintekniks utflyktsguideA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ö |
Maskin & MarinteknikHageby Etelhem623 74 Stånga Tel: 0498 - 49 10 48 Hemsida Från hamnen / flygplatsen ![]() AktiviteterAktiviteter kartaAktiviteter databas Dagens evenemang Bra att vetaApotekBankomat Bibliotek Gymnastikhallar Köpcentra Lasarett Polis Rastplatser Samhälle Skola Systembolag Vårdcentraler NyheterRadio GotlandAftonbladet Dagens Nyheter Expressen Svenska Dagbladet |
Beaches![]() There's many beaches on Gotland, in fact many people from the main land (Sweden) take their vacation on Gotland just because of the beaches and the possibility to take a bath almost wherever they are on Gotland.
The best tips a can get you is to go to the east side of Gotland, choose Ljugarn or Herta, that's nice beaches. However, if you like to take a bath together wit a lot of people, then you should go to Tofta on the west side or Sudersand in the north part of Gotland. The beaches that we show pictures in and give a little information about is not all of the beaches of Gotland. There's at least fity good beaches, allmost whereever one goes there's a beach close by. Bring your swimsuit! /text Bernt Enderborg, foto Björn Pettersson |