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EndreAlla vägbeskrivning till alla utflyktsmål utgår från kyrkan.Från hamnen / flygplatsen FöretagFöretag i EndreSockenlänkarGotlands största portalEndre 4H Endre socken Fornfynd Endre Kyrkans kontaktuppgifter AktiviteterAktiviteter kartaAktiviteter databas Dagens evenemang Bra att vetaApotekBankomat Bibliotek Gymnastikhallar Köpcentra Lasarett Polis Rastplatser Samhälle Skola Systembolag Vårdcentraler NyheterRadio GotlandAftonbladet Dagens Nyheter Expressen Svenska Dagbladet Fler guiderAlla andra socknarFöretagsguider Gamla systemet |
Beaches![]() There's many beaches on Gotland, in fact many people from the main land (Sweden) take their vacation on Gotland just because of the beaches and the possibility to take a bath almost wherever they are on Gotland.
The best tips a can get you is to go to the east side of Gotland, choose Ljugarn or Herta, that's nice beaches. However, if you like to take a bath together wit a lot of people, then you should go to Tofta on the west side or Sudersand in the north part of Gotland. The beaches that we show pictures in and give a little information about is not all of the beaches of Gotland. There's at least fity good beaches, allmost whereever one goes there's a beach close by. Bring your swimsuit! /text Bernt Enderborg, foto Björn Pettersson |
136 345 272 sen 9/2-2010 | Copyright © 2025 Buffert 4, tel 0498-27 88 50 |